Dec 20, 2017
The FSX Steam Edition: Approach Training Add-On allows you to practice your take-offs and landings with Approach Training! Developed by FS-FlightControl, Approach Training gives you the tools to reposition to a multitude of approach locations in FSX Steam .
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Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
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A romantic treat at Red Star Bakery
Is it bad that I love every single thing on the menu at Red Star Bakery? I feel like I could eat at this bakery for a month, but I probably won't have time because I already ate everything they have and I'm still hungry!
Everything is so fresh and amazing. Red Star is right near my college and it has made me crave this breakfast a lot more. I love their red velvet cake! It's so moist and delicious.
It also makes me want to do a little baking, so I'm going to be trying out their recipe soon for chocolate chip cookies!
Their cupcakes are also delicious.
Sometimes I find myself getting enamored by places that serve pastries and desserts, which is odd for me, but I suppose the concept of having something sweet immediately after a meal is comforting to me. I found myself quite disappointed in some of the bakery places in Cape Town that just had cakes, but Red Star Bakery does a ton of great baked goods that would fit in well with a meal, like breads and muffins.
It's nice to find a bakery that has a fairly decent amount of gluten free items, too, so I know I can grab a bagel or some breakfast cookies if I have to eat out somewhere.
On my next visit, I want to try the chocolate chip cookies, but I am going to be making them a little healthier than usual, so I can actually eat them all! I will do a post on them asap.// *** WARNING: this file was generated by the Pulumi Terraform Bridge (tfgen) Tool. ***
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